シシイ・ガール (Sissy Girl)(1981-1982)
シシイ・ガール〈1〉link to amazon
comics in Japanese language
written and illustrated by Satomi Ikeda
Genre: Drama, Love story
Volumes: 3
A girl whose father committed suicide endeavors to become a successful singer in order to revenge on her uncle who drove her father into a corner and usurped his position as the top of an entertainment company.
According to the dictionary, the word Sissy has basically following meanings.
“effeminate” “cowardly” and maybe “sister”.
At the end of the comic, the manga artist says that she doesn’t know the true nuance of this word but her image is “sister”, in which she wants to show the nuance of cute, sacred, and affectionate.
I read this manga long time ago. I don’t know my impression if I read it now at first time but it grabbed my mind at that time.
In recent manga and/or anime, characters are portrayed visually younger than their real age but in this manga, the main characters are shown quite mature. One reason is that the main character has to be mature and strong to accomplish the revenge. Another reason is that it was common design style of manga at that time, that was different from it is now.